Emmanuelle Arsan-搜索结果

  • 艾曼纽6 Emmanuelle 6


    导演:Bruno Zincone, 琼 罗林 (Jean Rollin)   编剧:Emmanuelle Arsan, 让·洛林

    主演:Dagmar Berger Tamira, Tamira


  • 艾曼妞的秘密 Emmanuelle's Secret

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:弗朗西斯·勒鲁瓦   编剧:Emmanuelle Arsan, Claire Lorentz, Alain Siritzky

    主演:玛塞拉·瓦勒斯坦, 乔治·拉扎贝, 西尔维娅·克里斯蒂

      After a car's accident, Emmanuelle become amnesic. She goes to hospital where she makes some tests to evaluate the damages on her brain. After some days, Emmanuelle start to remember her live and her travels, especially her trip to Tibet where a monsk had predict her future. He told her she would fell in love with a man and that they would recognise each othe when meeting ..
      A ...

  • 艾曼纽在威尼斯 Emmanuelle in Venice

    类型:爱情片电影, 伦理片电影

    导演:Francis Leroi   编剧:Emmanuelle Arsan

    主演:玛塞拉·瓦勒斯坦, 乔治·拉扎贝, 西尔维娅·克里斯蒂

      In a twilight Venice, the young widow Anais lives a lonely life governed by her mother-in-law. To escape the boredom of routin, she takes refuge among the loving arms of the maid... with the intervention of magical powers Emmanuelle manages to awaken the memory of past loves
      Anais, une jeune veuve de vingt-sept ans, vit cloîtrée dans son palais vénitien avec pour seule et austè...

  • 艾曼纽4:隐密幻想 Emmanuelle 4: Concealed Fantasy (1994) (TV)

    类型:爱情片电影, 科幻片电影

    导演:Kevin Alber   编剧:Thomas McKelvey Cleaver, Emmanuelle Arsan


  • 艾曼妞的魔法 Emmanuelle's Magic

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:弗朗西斯·勒鲁瓦   编剧:Emmanuelle Arsan, Claire Lorentz, Alain Siritzky

    主演:玛塞拉·瓦勒斯坦, 乔治·拉扎贝, 西尔维娅·克里斯蒂

      Young Emmanuelle and her friend Coco visit a friend whose sculptor husband is infatuated with one of his plaster creations. Emmanuelle uses her magic to get him interested again, jump starting their love life. Later, Emmanuelle, Coco and Coco's sister, Paula, travel to a wedding in Africa. They miss their plane to Salima and have to travel by boat, where they all vie for the at...

  • 艾奥,艾曼纽 Io, Emmanuelle


    导演:Cesare Canevari   编剧:Emmanuelle Arsan(小说作者), Cesare Canevari

    主演:叶丽卡·布隆, Adolfo Celi, Paolo Ferrari

  • 艾曼妞2 爱的教育 Emmanuelle: L'antivierge


    导演:Francis Giacobetti   编剧:Bob Elia, Emmanuelle Arsan, Francis Giacobetti

    主演:Eva Hamel, Christiane Gibeline, Jean-Pierre Nam, 阮兰芳, 西尔维娅·克里斯蒂, 翁贝托·奥尔西尼, Frédéric Lagache, Catherine Rivet, Henri Czarniak, Tom Clark, Marion Womble, Florence Lafuma, Claire Richard, 劳拉·贾姆瑟, Jacqueline May Line


  • 艾曼纽的复仇 Emmanuelle's Revenge

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Francis Leroi   编剧:Emmanuelle Arsan

    主演:玛塞拉·瓦勒斯坦, 乔治·拉扎贝, 西尔维娅·克里斯蒂

  • 艾曼妞:欲望之都 Emmanuelle: A World of Desire

    类型:剧情片电影, 科幻片电影

    导演:Lev L. Spiro   编剧:Noel Harrison, Emmanuelle Arsan

    主演:克里丝塔·艾伦, Paul Michael Robinson, P.S. Sono

  • 艾曼纽的香水 Emmanuelle's Perfume

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Francis Leroi   编剧:Emmanuelle Arsan

    主演:玛塞拉·瓦勒斯坦, 乔治·拉扎贝, 西尔维娅·克里斯蒂

      Alain, a movie productor is looking for a well known writer in Cannes because one of his novel was adapted for a movie. He asked Emmanuelle to go to Bali, where the writer lives since 10 years, to make him come to Europe. She accepts the mission and will do all what she can to succeed.

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